FileSender server software

FileSender is a web based application that allows authenticated users to securely and easily send arbitrarily large files to other users.

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FileSender project

You know the problem. You need to send a file larger than a couple of megabytes to someone and the email comes back: attachment too big. Then what?

FileSender is a web based application that allows authenticated users to securely and easily send arbitrarily large files to other users. Authentication of users is provided through SimpleSAMLphp, supporting SAML2, LDAP and RADIUS and more. Users without an account can be sent an upload voucher by an authenticated user. FileSender is developed to the requirements of the higher education and research community.

The purpose of the software is to send a large file to someone, have that file available for download for a certain number of downloads and/or a certain amount of time, and after that automatically delete the file. The software is not intended as a permanent file publishing platform

Information for users

Thanks for considering Filesender. Below you can find ways to connect to your institution’s Filesender or try out a demo of the Filesender kindly provided by GÉANT.

Information for administrators

Download FileSender free of charge and install it on your own infrastructure, regardless if you’re profit or non-profit. Everybody is free to use our software as they please.

Information for developers

We’d love for you to help us improve FileSender!


The FileSender project releases news through its website at You can also follow us on Twitter

License and Donations

FileSender is released under the BSD license. It is open source software and available for free. As an open source project, Filesender relies on donations to keep its development effort alive. Find out more about how you can support Filesender via The Commons Conservancy.

Mailing Lists

The FileSender project uses a number of mailinglists to support people deploying FileSender software and to coordinate development. Please go to the Support and Mailinglists page and subscribe yourself to those lists relevant for you.

FileSender 1.x site

Development for version 1.x was done on the Assembla platform. After we moved to Github in 2016 the information stored on Assembla (wiki pages, tickets) was exported. The information is no longer maintained but is available for viewing in a separate Github repository.