Reporting security issues
If you have found a bug or issue that might be security sensitive you can report that bug directly to the maintainer. You might like to encrypt an attached file and either send it directly or send the file encrypted with filesender and then encrypt and send the passphrase to the maintainer.
If you want to send something encrypted please use the below GPG key to encrypt that data. GPG is available on many platforms, see
Getting the GPG public key
As of October 2024 the public key can be found at
Key ID: 0xAD26FBC14881B8E1 Fingerprint: BC9D CF2B 086D 915A F1D6 D8FE AD26 FBC1 4881 B8E1
Import the key
On Linux you might find the GPG command is gpg2 for the most recent version. You should only have to import the key once.
gpg2 --import <public-keyfile>
Encrypt the sensitive data and send it
Whenever you want to send sensitive data you can encrypt it with the following command.
echo "secret stuff" > data-to-send.txt
gpg2 --output data-to-send-encrypted.gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient BC9DCF2B086D915AF1D6D8FEAD26FBC14881B8E1 data-to-send.txt
How-to reach the team
Please email your findings to this email-address and we’ll handle your report carefully: